Cyprus, Nicosia

What does insurance cover?

Updated: 9 months ago
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The medical insurance you purchased when you obtained your residence permit covers a wide range of services at all public medical facilities in the TRNC.

You can be examined completely free of charge, get an appointment with a specialist and receive appropriate treatment, call an ambulance in emergencies, and even undergo various surgeries. Of course, each case of medical treatment is very individual, so it is advisable to seek guidance at the reception of the medical facility you plan to visit.

Please be aware that many doctors in hospitals primarily speak Turkish. Therefore, Russian-speaking and other foreign citizens who do not speak Turkish often prefer seeking assistance in private clinics where specialists are more likely to speak English.

It should also be noted that this insurance does not cover dental care.

List of diseases covered by the insurance:

In the case of accidents, the residence permit insurance covers injuries at work, road accidents, falls from heights, electrocution, hypothermia or heatstroke, as well as fractures, eye and other injuries.

The state clinic will also provide free medical manipulations in case of heart attack, paralysis, stroke, arrhythmia, acute meningitis, loss of consciousness, diabetic coma, temperature over 39.5 degrees, and some other diseases.

Doctors will also offer assistance free of charge in case of foreign bodies lodged in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy or at the beginning of labor, the residence permit insurance will cover transport to the hospital and the first examination.

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