Cyprus, Nicosia

How to fly to the Republic of Cyprus from the Russian Federation by Arab Airlines?

Updated: 3 weeks ago

Which airlines are better to choose?

From the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cyprus, you can fly almost all Arab airlines, with transfers in one of the Arab capitals. The most convenient route to all European countries now passes through Dubai with Emirates flights - the optimal connection time (5 - 8 hours), comfortable planes, and the travel time to Larnaca is only 8 - 9 hours (excluding transfers). But there is one problem - in April, the cost of Emirates tickets to Cyprus reached 650,000 rubles for one one-way economy class ticket. Now it costs 100,000 - 200,000 rubles.

The second most comfortable flights are by the airlines of Bahrain and Egypt. Flying to Bahrain takes more time than Dubai - 7.5 - 8 hours, transferring 8 - 9 hours, and flying to Larnaca - 3.5 hours. The pluses of the route are comfortable Gulf Air planes, pleasant service, and delicious food and drinks. The tickets are at a reasonable price - 50,000-100,000 rubles one-way economy-class ticket. But Gulf Air, despite the long wait, does not settle its passengers for rest, so one should plan a stay in a fine hotel at the Bahrain airport for $120 for 8 hours.

Egyptian airlines badly damaged their reputation in the spring when they scheduled connecting flights from Moscow to Larnaca with a transfer in Cairo. They announced the flights but canceled them before departure and did not return the money. The prices were relatively low - about 30,000 - 40,000 rubles for a one-way economy-class ticket. No one knows whether anyone managed to return the money, but people rarely reached their destination. Egypt Air started regularly flying only in mid-May, and they still fly, but it is difficult to recommend them. By the way, with a long connection of more than 8 hours, the Egyptian airline organizes a transfer to the hotel and buffet meals.

Middle East Airlines are the airline of the Lebanese Republic, and its flights to Cyprus have a transfer in Beirut for 5 - 11 hours. The prices are moderate, on average 50,000 per ticket, but one should look for the free ones.

These are the best flights with only one transfer, so the prices are high. But this is our reality.

And remember, if you have only Russian bank cards, you should go to the office to pay for tickets from Arab airlines. Some airlines send payment links, but one needs to negotiate them separately.

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