Cyprus, Nicosia

Private medical services in Cyprus

Updated: 1 month ago
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Private medicine in Cyprus is many times better than state medicine, but for the average Cypriot it is expensive to go to paid clinics and medical centres. Although polite staff, the latest equipment and professionalism of doctors are very attractive. Therefore, if you have an opportunity - go to paid clinics or buy premium class insurance.

Quite popular private medical centres that also have good reviews are "American Heart Institute", "Oncology Centre of Bank of Cyprus". But these are still medical centres of a very narrow focus. As for private general clinics - there are many of them, you can choose the nearest one by location. The quality of services there will still be higher than in a state hospital or medical state centre.

Approximate prices in private clinics:

  • treatment of trauma 3000 - 5000€;
  • laser vision correction from 5000€ for one eye;
  • dentistry - depending on the complexity, but you should expect at least a few thousand euros;
  • childbirth - from 2000€.

Be healthy!

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