Cyprus, Nicosia

Long weekends in Cyprus in 2024

Updated: 6 hours ago
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For those who work in the format of a classic five-day week, it will be interesting to know on which days they will have longer than usual breaks and plan a trip far from home.

Длинные выходные на Кипре 2024

Three-day weekends

This is when the official days off fall on Friday or Monday, creating three days for rest together with Saturday and Sunday. In 2024, these are:

  • March 16-18: days off + Green Monday
  • March 23-25: days off + Greek Independence Day
  • March 30-April 1: days off + National Liberation Struggle Day
  • June 22-24: days off + Kataklysmos
  • October 26-28: days off + Ohi Day

May holidays

Of course, it has almost no relation to the usual Russian holidays, but very similar May holidays can be observed.

  • May 1: Labor Day
  • May 3: Orthodox Good Friday
  • May 6 and 7: Easter days, but many people will also not work on May 5 and 6 (banks will be open)

Floating holidays

Official holidays that do not have a specific date every year fall on the following days in 2024:

  • January 6: Epiphany (Day of St. Epiphany)
  • March 18: Green Monday
  • May 3: Good Friday
  • May 6: Easter Monday
  • June 24: Kataklysmos

Frequently Asked Questions about holidays in Cyprus

Where can I find a list of official public holidays?

We have prepared a separate material for you, which you can bookmark so as not to forget: list of official holidays in Cyprus.

Is a holiday that falls on a weekend moved to the next working day?

No, there is no such practice in the Republic of Cyprus as in Russia. If a public holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the following working day does not become a day off.

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