Cyprus, Nicosia

Water Conservation Measures Implemented in Cyprus Due to Drought

01.07.2024 / 13:06
News Category

Cyprus is planning to enforce strict controls on excessive water consumption due to drought conditions in the country. Penalties for misuse of water are set to be intensified.

The depletion of water reserves caused by prolonged drought has raised concerns at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, prompting calls for a review of the Water Conservation Act, which has been largely neglected in recent years.

According to Alphanews, fines may be imposed on those who habitually use hoses to wash sidewalks, roads, verandas, and cars.

"This year, the situation is critical, with dams filled to only 39%. We are facing persistent drought and decisive action is necessary. We urge the public to conserve water and avoid unnecessary usage," stated Gianna Economides, senior executive engineer at the water management department.

The Water Supply Department has instructed its staff to promptly respond to complaints, the specialist added.

Simultaneously, collaboration with local government bodies continues to tighten penalties aimed at curbing uncontrolled water use and waste.

"The penalties stipulated by law are very low; €51 is not considered a deterrent fine, so we should discuss ways to increase fines. We hope that new legislation will be in force by the end of the year," stated the department.

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