Cyprus, Nicosia

The Government of Cyprus is launching a new website for public communication

29.11.2023 / 08:41

The Republic of Cyprus government has announced the launch of a new website. The platform will serve as a hub for interaction with the public.

According to a representative of the country's government, Konstantinos Letymbiotis, the page "will help strengthen people's trust in the government and contribute to building a more transparent, accountable, and citizen-participation-based governance in the country."

It is expected that initially, the website will function as a "central digital source of information about the government's actions and policies."

At present, the new website has two sections: one with information about measures aimed at curbing the cost of living, and the other with a detailed description of the action plans of various ministries for the year 2024, broken down by expenditures.

Over time, the website will evolve and be updated to become a "digital portal for two-way communication between the government and the public."