Cyprus, Nicosia

How to pay a fine online?

Updated: 3 weeks ago
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Traffic police-issued fines or camera-recorded violations in Cyprus can be paid online.

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Step-by-step instructions for paying a fine online

Online fine payment is carried out on the portal.

  1. First, you need to register and log in with your username on the site.
  2. After registering, select CYPRUS POLICE — or go directly to this section of the site via a direct link.
  3. Next, choose "Payment of Tickets", after which you will need to enter the notification number and the registration number of your vehicle — after entering this information, your fine will be displayed on the screen.
  4. Then, as with online shopping, simply enter your bank card number. After a successful transaction, you can save or print the receipt.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fines in Cyprus

Can I pay a fine if I have penalty points?

It depends on how many points you have accumulated. If it's less than 12, you can pay and continue driving. If it's 12 or more, you won't be able to pay the fine online and will have to address the issue in court.

What are the fines in Cyprus?

The road police impose fines for many violations. The most common ones are compiled in a separate article.

How many days do I have to pay the fine?

If the fine is issued by the road police or recorded by a camera, you have 30 days to pay it. Afterward, the fine amount will be increased by 50%, and you will have another 15 days to pay the fine at the increased rate. After 45 days (30 + 15), the case will be transferred to court.

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