Cyprus, Nicosia

Where to find the online flight schedule for Ercan Airport?

Updated: 3 days ago
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There are cases when it is important to know the arrival schedule for Ercan in real-time — for example, when meeting guests.

расписание рейсов аэропорта Эрджан

Online display on the Ercan Airport website

Many airports have an online display for arrivals and departures. The data is uploaded from the information provided for air traffic controllers, which is collected by enthusiasts worldwide using radio receivers. Ercan Airport is no exception.

Here is where you can check the current information on arrivals and departures:

расписание рейсов аэропорта Эрджан
This is how the online arrivals display looks on the Ercan Airport website

Online display on the FlightRadar website

This is the largest network for civil aviation flight information. The data is obtained in the same way as airport data — from publicly available information primarily for air traffic controllers. Moreover, many airports take their data from the Flightradar24 website.

To view the information, visit the airport page and select the relevant section in the lower-left corner, or use the links below.

расписание рейсов аэропорта Эрджан
A flight from Antalya is heading to Ercan Airport

Online display on the FlightAware website

This is a similar tool to the previous website, and some may find it more convenient. On the general airport page, both arrivals and departures are displayed under the map.

расписание рейсов аэропорта Эрджан
The same flight from Antalya to Ercan on another site

Frequently Asked Questions about Ercan Airport

What is the easiest way to buy a ticket to Northern Cyprus?

The simplest way is through an aggregator, such as Aviasales or In the first case, a Russian bank card will also work. You can also buy tickets directly from airline websites, but not all cards may work there.

Which cities can you fly to Ercan Airport from?

You can only fly to the northern part of the island from Turkey. However, the country is quite large, and fortunately, you can fly not only from Istanbul or Antalya. Here is the full list of airports.

Where to report lost luggage at Ercan Airport?

If you cannot find your suitcase or backpack, you need to report it at the lost luggage counter before leaving the baggage claim area. A more detailed guide is available in our article.

Is there a hotel at Ercan Airport?

There is no hotel at Northern Cyprus’ Ercan Airport — no terminal, capsule, or even a neighboring chain hotel. However, there are options nearby, and we have discussed them in our article about hotels near Ercan Airport.

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