Cyprus, Nicosia

Bandabuliya Market in Nicosia

Updated: 2 weeks ago
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Many people who have visited the northern part of Cyprus' capital have heard of this market. What makes it so special, how to get there, and what to buy at a market that is almost a century old.

Рынок Бандабулия в Никосии

History of Bandabuliya Market

The courtyards of the Selimiye Mosque (formerly the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia) and the Bedesten (formerly St. Nicholas Church) were used as the main trading areas in Nicosia during Venetian rule over Cyprus from 1489 to 1570. People entered the walled city of Nicosia to sell their produce and textiles, using this area as a weekly local market.

During the Ottoman period, when the Selimiye Mosque was built and in use, the Bedesten building was a full-fledged market. You can read about the rich history of this place in our article "Cultural Center Bedesten."

Over the years, the growth of Nicosia's population and the increasing popularity of the market led to the need for a new space. This need was met by Bandabuliya Market in Nicosia, which attracted people from all over the island.

Built between 1930 and 1932 during the British occupation, it was (and remains) the main covered municipal market in the northern part of Nicosia. Here, you could find everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to meat and other goods, and it was a public place where locals met and gathered with their families.

Рынок Бандабулия в Никосии

Reconstruction by the UN Development Programme

In the 1970s, new residential areas started to be built outside the walled city, shopping centers emerged, and gradually the shops in the market closed, and the building itself became unsafe.

The reconstruction of the market began in October 2010 and was completed in June 2012. The work was funded by the EU and carried out under the UN Development Programme's "Partnership for the Future" (UNDP-PFF) initiative.

The reconstruction covered an area of 4,500 m² and included the restoration of 77 internal kiosks. The goal of the project was to improve the market's organizational structure and to bring the exterior of the market and its infrastructure in line with modern international standards. The work also included repairs to the walls and roof.

Bandabuliya Today

Since its reopening in June 2012, following reconstruction, the market building has once again become home to food and souvenir shops, cafes, and bookstores. It is now a socially significant space for both locals and visitors to the city, not just a place for shopping. Here, you can buy vegetables, fruits, fresh meat – in short, a typical offering of an urban market.

Notably, the market offers free internet. There is no password required to access the Wi-Fi; simply select Bandabuliya from the available networks and enjoy the connection.

  • Opening hours of Bandabuliya Market: from 6 AM to 7 PM
Рынок Бандабулия в Никосии

Frequently Asked Questions about Bandabuliya Market

Are there facilities for disabled visitors at the market?

The general market area, including cafes and restaurants, is accessible to everyone, and ramps are located in the center of all major corridors. There are also toilets for people with disabilities at the end of the meat market area.

What interesting places are nearby?

Right across the road is the most important mosque in Nicosia – the Selimiye Mosque. Other mosques, a bit further but still within walking distance, include Haydarpasha and Laleli. Also nearby is the historically significant Lusignan House, the oldest hammam in Cyprus, and the Ottoman caravanserai Büyük Han. And, of course, the previously mentioned Cultural Center Bedesten – the nearest landmark to the market.

How to get to Bandabuliya Market in Nicosia?

Bandabuliya Market is located in the center of Cyprus' capital. Below, you can find the exact location on the map. To get there by bus, take the bus to the Keryneia Gate stop, from which you will need to walk just under a kilometer to the market, or you can catch a taxi, which are frequently available near this entrance to the old town.

Where to park near Bandabuliya Market?

The nearest parking lot is located across the street from the northern entrance to Bandabuliya Market. Here are its coordinates for your GPS: 35.176040907277056, 33.364684949797734. A bit further away, there is another parking lot, east of the market, at these coordinates: 35.17570698857842, 33.366091423940716.

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Bandabulya market Nicosia on the map
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