Cyprus, Nicosia

Republic day in Northern Cyprus

Updated: 3 months ago
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This national holiday of Turkey is also officially celebrated in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus every year on October 29. In 2023, the Turkish Republic will turn 100 years old.

День Турецкой Республики на Северном Кипре

History of the Holiday

On October 29, 1923, the leader of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, declared the country a republic, which led to the establishment of the national holiday - Republic Day. In fact, Turkey became a republic on April 23, 1920, after the creation of the Grand National Assembly - the country's highest legislative body. However, the official declaration that Turkey is a republic was made three and a half years later - on October 29, 1923, and the country officially became known as the Turkish Republic (in Turkish - "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti"). From that day on, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the first president of the Turkish Republic.

Events in Northern Cyprus

Various events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic will take place not only on October 29 but also in the days around the holiday. Here is what awaits Turkish Cypriots and guests of the island. The full program is listed below the text.

  • A mobile cinema on trucks will operate from October 18 to 27 in different cities of the country (Tatlısu, Güzelürt, Lefke)
  • A fashion show of Anatolian clothing from the principality to the republic will take place in Nicosia on October 25
  • A celebratory concert on October 26 at the Palace of Culture in Famagusta
  • A performance by the Allegro ensemble on October 27 at the Atatürk Cultural Center at the Middle East University
  • A badminton tournament on October 28 at the Atatürk Gymnasium in Nicosia
  • The Republic Cup in artistic gymnastics will take place on October 28 in the small gymnastics hall
  • The Republic Cup in traditional Turkish archery will be held in Nicosia on October 29
  • An exhibition of traditional crafts will take place from October 30 to November 3 at the Yunus Emre Institute in Nicosia
  • A conference on artificial intelligence titled "AI Summit Tomorrow in TRNC" will be held on November 3 at the university campus in Güzelürt

All these events are dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

Frequently Asked Questions about Holidays in Northern Cyprus

What other national holidays are there in the TRNC?

There are a total of 11 national holidays in Northern Cyprus, which are official public holidays. Here is the complete list.

Is there a Republic Day in the TRNC?

Yes, there is also a Republic Day of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is celebrated as a national holiday with an official day off. It is celebrated two and a half weeks after the Turkish Republic Day - on November 15.

Are religious holidays celebrated in Northern Cyprus?

Among the official holidays with a day off on a national level, not only secular dates are celebrated but also religious ones. These include Eid al-Fitr (in 2024 - April 10) and Eid al-Adha (in 2024 - June 16).

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День Турецкой Республики на Северном Кипре программа

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