Cyprus, Nicosia

The Deepest Gorge in Cyprus

Updated: 5 days ago
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It is called Avakas and is located in the west of the Republic of Cyprus. We explain what makes it remarkable and how to get there.

The gorge is located on the Akamas Peninsula, which is considered the most pristine area in Cyprus. It is situated just two kilometers from the sea coast, but due to its hidden position among the hills, it can only be seen when you are literally standing right in front of it.

Авакас Кипр

Structure of the Gorge

For geologists, this canyon is a mystery. Its walls consist of two types of sedimentary rocks: fine-grained chalk limestone, which is 4-5 million years old, and coral limestone, which is about 7 million years old. Usually, older rocks lie lower, but in the case of this canyon, younger rocks are found beneath the older ones. This probably occurred due to an earthquake that lifted the older rocks to the surface, while the younger ones sank deeper into the earth.

Depth of Avakas Gorge

The walls of the canyon, reaching 30 meters in height, narrow in some places to form a kind of tunnel. At the beginning of the canyon, there is a giant boulder poised to fall, but scientists assert that it will remain in place at least until the next earthquake.

Flora and Fauna

Around the canyon, traditional Cypriot plants such as pines, cypresses, oleanders, and plane trees grow. In the local forests, there are foxes, hares, partridges, and various species of birds of prey, such as peregrine falcons, kites, and eagles.

How to Get There

By car - easily by coordinates (map under the text), any car can reach the parking area. Then, it's a kilometer either on foot or by car on a dirt road (a four-wheel drive is better, but a regular car can also make it with careful driving).

By bus - № 615 to Coral Bay, then № 616 to the village of Agios Georgios. From there, it's 5 kilometers on foot or by taxi, arranging with the driver to wait, which can be quite expensive, around 50 euros.

Therefore, we recommend renting a car in Cyprus.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the journey take?

The walk from the car park to the gorge itself takes from one and a half to two hours on foot, including the ascent. So, it's better to plan your day in advance. Besides, you'll want to stop to take photos or have a picnic. In general, plan for a whole day, especially if you are not staying in Paphos.

How to prepare for a hike in Avakas?

Wear comfortable trekking shoes or non-slip coral slippers: a stream runs along the bottom and the stones will definitely be slippery. And be sure to bring drinking water with you, at least one liter per person.

What safety precautions should be taken when visiting Avakas?

It is necessary to look carefully not only at your feet but also above — stones can fall down. And definitely refrain from visiting the canyon if rain is forecasted — in such a case, the stream instantly turns into a turbulent flow of water.

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Парковка у ущелья Авакас (Parking at Avakas Gorge)
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