Cyprus, Nicosia

Event schedule in Cyprus in June

Updated: 3 months ago
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The high summer season has begun in Cyprus with beaches and excursions, but there are also plenty of interesting events on the island.

Афиша мероприятий на Кипре в июне

Cyprus Fashion Film Festival

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra - Tchaikovsky

Largest Real Estate Exhibition in Cyprus

Splin Concert in Limassol

Ivanushki International Concert

Maxim Leonidov and Alexey Kortnev

Sergey Penkin Concert

Open-Air "Sunset Sessions"

Ivan Dorn Concert

Moments Of Truth (M.O.T.) Festival

Mumiy Troll Concert

Anna Asti Concert

"God Knows What" with Nazarov and Vasilieva

Immature Veterans Party

Machete Concert

Musia Totibadze Concert

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