Cyprus, Nicosia

Fines and traffic police in Cyprus

Updated: 4 days ago
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It is better to drive in Cyprus, as well as everywhere else, according to the rules. But if you suddenly break them, be prepared to pay the following amounts.

Mentally double the figures below if you commit a repeat offense of any traffic rule within three years after the first fine.

Штрафы на Кипре

Types of fines in Cyprus

Fines for drinking and driving

Driving experience of more than three years:

  • 0.22-0.35 mg/l — 125 euros + 1 demerit point
  • 0.36-0.55 mg/l — 250 euros + 3 demerit points
  • 0.56-0.70 mg/l — 500 euros + 4 demerit points
  • 0.71 mg/l and above — case referred to court

Driving experience of less than three years, learners, moped and quad bike drivers, professionals:

  • 0.09-0.22 mg/l — 125 euros + 1 demerit point
  • 0.23-0.35 mg/l — 250 euros + 3 demerit points
  • 0.36-0.55 mg/l — 500 euros + 4 demerit points
  • 0.56 mg/l and above — case referred to court
  • Read more: drinking and driving limits in Cyprus

Driving under the influence of drugs

In this case, the matter is immediately referred to the court, which imposes a fine of up to 8000 euros or imprisonment for up to three years (or both), as well as revokes the driver's license for three years.

Refusing a drug test can result in up to three years in prison and a fine of 10,000 euros.

If speeding under the influence of drugs, you can get up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 15,000 euros.


Fines depend on the level of speeding and are:

  • Exceeding the limit by up to 30%: 2 euros for every km/h over the limit + 1 demerit point;
  • Exceeding the limit by up to 50%: 3 euros for every km/h over the limit + 2 demerit points;
  • Exceeding the limit by up to 75%: 5 euros for every km/h over the limit + 3 demerit points;
  • Exceeding the limit by more than 75%: case referred to court; possible imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of up to 4000 euros, revocation of the driver's license — or all of these combined, plus 4 to 8 demerit points.

Example for a speed limit of 50 km/h:

  • if your speed is from 51 to 65 km/h — 2 euros for every km over + 1 point;
  • if your speed is from 66 to 75 km/h — 3 euros for every km over + 2 points;
  • if your speed is from 76 to 88 km/h — 5 euros for every km over + 3 points.

Parking fines

  • Parking on the sidewalk — 100 euros
  • Parking on a double yellow line — 100 euros
  • Parking near an intersection or traffic light — 100 euros
  • Parking on the opposite lane — 100 euros + 1 point
  • Parking within 15 meters of a pedestrian crossing — 150 euros
  • Parking within 15 meters of a bus stop — 150 euros
  • Parking in disabled spaces — 300 euros

Markings and overtaking

  • Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing — 200 euros
  • Illegal overtaking — 150 euros
  • Crossing a solid white line — 65 euros + 2 points
  • Overtaking across a solid white line — 150 euros
  • Stop line — 25 euros

Safety measures

  • Unfastened seatbelt (including passengers) — 150 euros + 3 points
  • Not wearing a motorcycle helmet — 200 euros + 3 points
  • Carrying a child without a special seat — 150 euros + 3 points
  • Foreign objects in hands (except mobile phone) — 85 euros + 1 point
  • Using a mobile phone while driving — 150 euros + 2 points

Other violations

  • Red light — 300 euros + 3 points
  • No insurance — 200 euros + 3 points
  • Expired technical inspection — 150 euros
  • Driving a car officially designated as unused — 85 euros
  • Smoking in a car with minors — 300 euros
  • Dangerous driving — depending on the severity and consequences from 1500 to 6000 euros + possible imprisonment from six months to two years
  • Leaving the scene of an accident — depending on the severity and consequences from 3000 to 10000 euros + possible imprisonment from one month to 5 years and revocation of the driver's license for up to two years

Demerit points in Cyprus

Points are not issued for all violations, but only for those considered serious by the authorities. When 12 points are accumulated, a case for revocation of the license is opened and referred to the court. Every three years, points are reset.

Number of points assigned in Cyprus

  • Speeding up to 30% — 1 point
  • Speeding by 30-50% — 2 points
  • Speeding by 50-75% — 3 points
  • Unfastened seatbelt — 3 points
  • Carrying children without a car seat — 3 points
  • Talking on a mobile phone without a special device — 2 points
  • Driving with an object in hand (water, food, coffee, etc.) — 1 point
  • Running a red light — 3 points
  • Driving with a blood alcohol level of 23-35 mcg/100 ml — 1 point
  • Driving with a blood alcohol level of 36-55 mcg/100 ml — 3 points
  • Driving with a blood alcohol level of 56-70 mcg/100 ml — 4 points

How to pay fines in Cyprus

Fines cannot be paid on the spot by giving money to the police officer. They must issue a receipt. Handing over money will be considered an attempt to bribe an official. The fine is paid at the police station, the municipality, or online on the Road Transport Department website.

Frequently asked questions about fines in Cyprus

How many days do you have to pay the fine?

If the fine is issued by the traffic police or registered by a camera, you have 30 days to pay it. Then the fine will be increased by 50%, and you will have another 15 days to pay the fine at the increased rate. After 45 days (30 + 15), the case will be referred to the court.

Can fines be paid if there are demerit points?

It depends on how many points you have accumulated. If less than 12, you can pay and continue to drive. If 12 or more, it will be impossible to pay the fine online and you will have to resolve the matter in court.

How to pay fines when renting a car?

In most cases, the payment will be deducted from your deposit, but depending on the rental company or the rental period, in some cases you may be able to pay them yourself online. It is better to rent a car through the internet — on Localrent or other aggregators, read more in the article about renting a car in Cyprus.

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