Cyprus, Nicosia

Parking cost in Cyprus

Updated: 9 months ago
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The parking fees in major cities of Cyprus vary slightly. Here is the cost of parking as of the end of 2023.

Стоимость парковки Кипр

Parking Cost in Nicosia

In the capital, the municipal parking rates are the highest. In Nicosia, prices vary depending on the location. The parking fees in lots equipped with payment machines and barriers are as follows:

  • up to 20 minutes free parking
  • up to 1 hour - 2 euros
  • up to 3 hours - 3 euros
  • up to 5 hours - 3.50 euros
  • each additional hour - 0.50 euro

Street parking with payment machines and signage has the following rates:

  • 30 minutes - 1 euro
  • 1 hour - 2 euros

A monthly pass can be obtained for 45 euros (35 euros for residents, 25 euros for special categories).

Parking Cost in Limassol

In Limassol, the fees are the same for all municipal parking lots.

  • up to 1 hour - 1 euro
  • 1 to 2 hours - 1.50 euros
  • up to 3 hours - 2 euros
  • up to 5 hours - 3 euros
  • additional hour - 0.50 euro

In areas with parking machines, the rates are as follows:

  • 30 minutes - 0.50 euro
  • 1 hour - 1 euro
  • 1:30 - 1.50 euros
  • 2 hours - 2 euros
  • 0.5 euro for each additional half hour

A monthly pass costs 42 euros, and an annual pass costs 432 euros.

Parking Cost in Larnaca

Larnaca has the most affordable rates for municipal parking, except for the Finikoudes promenade.

Parking on municipal lots is free for up to 1 hour. After that:

  • 2 hours 1 euro
  • 3 hours 1.35
  • 5 hours 2 euros
  • Each additional hour 0.30 - 0.35 euro

For the Mackenzie area, drivers are offered to pay 2.50 euros for 12 hours.

Parking cost with a parking meter:

  • 30 minutes - 0.30 euro
  • 1 hour - 0.60 euro
  • 2 hours - 1.20 euros

However, on the busy and popular Athens Avenue, the toll is higher compared to the rest of the city:

  • 1 hour - 2 euros
  • 2 hours - 4 euros
  • 3 hours - 5 euros

The monthly cost of a parking card is 31 euros.

Parking Cost in Paphos

Paphos stands out with free parking near the Limanaki in Kato Paphos and in the Anapausesos area. The city's municipal parking lots are divided into five zones.

The rates are as follows:

  • Main parking zones: 2 hours - 1 euro (Royal Tombs of the Kings, Municipal Market, SODAP Beach, etc.)
  • Secondary parking lots: 3 hours - 1 euro
  • Main and secondary parking lots simultaneously: 1 hour - 1 euro

Parking Cost in Ayia Napa

In Ayia Napa, the public parking rates are as follows:

  • 0-2 hours - 2 euros
  • 2-3 hours - 2.50 euros
  • up to 5 hours - 3.50 euros
  • each additional hour - 0.50 euro

The fee for using parking zones with meters is one euro per hour.

Frequently Asked Questions About Parking in Cyprus

Who is entitled to free parking?

In all municipalities, parking is free for people with disabilities and owners of electric vehicles after obtaining special permission from the competent municipal authority.

What are the fines for unpaid parking?

Depending on the violation, the fine can range from 100 to 300 euros. More details - on this page.

How can I find out if there is a fine?

You can find out if there is an unpaid fine by phone, here's how to do it. You can also pay the fine online if you have one.

We announce all changes in parking fees in our news channel - subscribe and stay informed.

Стоимость парковки Кипр

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