Cyprus, Nicosia

Where to Find Various Forms for Northern Cyprus Taxes?

Updated: 5 months ago
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When paying various taxes in Northern Cyprus, you will need the appropriate forms. Here's where you can download them.

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Forms for TRNC Tax Office

You can find the necessary documents on the tax office's website, on the dedicated page.

The site has an English language switch button, but it doesn’t work. As an alternative, use the built-in browser translator (right-click on a blank area of the page — select "Translate to English" from the menu).

The right column contains files in .pdf format. Clicking on the link labeled İndir will open the required document.

Types of Available Forms

The forms are grouped into several tables by context. Here’s a list in the order the document groups are displayed on the website.

  • Tax declarations
  • Financial agreement forms
  • Documents for tax office authorization
  • Other forms (application for driver’s license renewal, application for VAT payment deferral)
  • Pension refund forms
  • Forms for starting and ending monthly tax payments
  • Declaration of tax withholding on deposits
  • Other forms (application for driving/driver’s education license, income declaration from rental)

Frequently Asked Questions about Taxes

Where to pay taxes in Northern Cyprus?

The road tax can be paid online (here's how to do it), while other taxes must be paid in person at the tax office. List of tax offices in Northern Cyprus.

Do I need to pay tax when renting out an apartment?

Yes, when renting out your property, the tax is between 10% and 13% of the rental value stated in the contract. The contract must be registered with the tax office. More detailed information is in the article on rental property taxation.

What taxes need to be paid when buying property in Northern Cyprus?

This includes stamp duty and property purchase tax if you have a bank card. Cash payments can be made at the bank. Additionally, one copy of the sales contract is submitted to the tax office. The entire process is described in the article on registering a sales contract.

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