Cyprus, Nicosia

How to Get Rid of Ants in Cyprus?

Updated: 1 year ago
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If suddenly you unluckily rented an apartment with an antnest, mind, in Cyprus, one should get rid of it very quickly. Of course, this is not Latin America with termites, and they will not eat you. But they can be numerous and bite painfully. Because of the hot climate, they live very well here, so one has to force them out at the first sign.

Local housewives often prefer folk methods - they pour vinegar on critical places in the apartment, sprinkle salt on the floors, and put down canella. Also helpful from these annoying insects are mint (you can hang in the house bundles of fresh or dry mint) and garlic (rub the baseboard and the ventilation grill with a clove). And, of course, no one canceled the chemical impact - in Northern Cyprus, there are analogs of our dichlorvos. But this is in the worst-case scenario.

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