Cyprus, Nicosia

How to pay for electricity?

Updated: 12 months ago
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The electricity provider is Kib-Tek, and its services can be paid for in several ways.

Payment Options in Kib-Tek

Online through the Kib-Tek website

To make a payment, you will need a working card that is not issued in Russia. When accessing the website, which, by the way, has a Russian version, you need to choose between postpaid or prepaid tariffs.

кибтек оплата

After that, enter your account details. Then, there will be a simple payment form where you will need to enter your banking card details. That's it.

кибтек проверка

You can also check the details of your account and the amount of your debt in the first step.

Online through the Pay Point Cyprus website

The service allows you to make payments for various utility services, including electricity. To do this, select Kib-Tek.

пэйпойнт кибтек

In the next field, enter your account number, and the current debt will be displayed.

пэпойнт оплата

Then, enter your card details and confirm the payment. Of course, the banking card must be issued outside of Russia.

At Kib-Tek payment collection points

If you are unable to pay online, you can do so at Kib-Tek offices and payment terminals. You can find addresses and working hours on this page.

Through the bank's application

If you have an account with a local bank, search for Kib-Tek in the menu. There should be a payment option through the application of the popular Credit West Bank in Northern Cyprus.

Frequently Asked Questions about Utility Payments

What are the electricity tariffs?

As of August 1, 2023, new tariffs came into effect. Like before, the cost of electricity will depend on the consumption of electricity. The current prices can be found in this table.

How to pay for water?

In Northern Cyprus, there are two types of water supply to houses and apartments. Details about payment can be found on this page of the website.

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