Cyprus, Nicosia

Where to look for parcels on Northern Cyprus if they are not delivered?

Updated: 8 months ago
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Delivery of parcels in Northern Cyprus is not as simple a task as in other countries.

This is due to the special status of the partially recognized republic. Therefore, do not be surprised by the unusual customs clearance of goods, the payment of a $10 tax on an AliExpress item costing $2, the writing of an address indicating a city in Turkey, and other such things.

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Where parcels arrive in Northern Cyprus

DHL / FedEx

If you order delivery from these international companies, they handle customs clearance themselves, and the goods are received at the DHL and FedEx offices, respectively.

Regular mail

When ordering a parcel by regular mail, it can arrive either at the post office or at the customs point—there is no particular correlation observed here.

Where to look for a parcel if it has not arrived

It happens that a parcel gets stuck at the air arrival point—perhaps due to an unreadable address or some other reasons. If your parcel has not reached either the post office or the customs point in Girne or Famagusta, you should look for it at the customs terminal of the new Ercan airport.

The location of the customs terminal is on the map below the text. To get to it, at the last roundabout before the airport itself, you need to turn under the Gate B sign. The entrance to customs is behind the police post, which is shown in the photo above.

Frequently asked questions about delivery to Northern Cyprus

Where is the customs in Northern Cyprus?

In Famagusta, it is in the neighboring building with the post office; that is where you need to pick up some parcels. In Girne, it is one floor below the post office.

How to order goods from AliExpress to Northern Cyprus?

For ordering, use our instructions. And remember the nuance—on new equipment arriving from abroad to Northern Cyprus, you will have to pay a duty. The exact amount will be communicated to you at customs, but it may be more expensive than the item itself.

How to specify the address?

Since the TRNC is only recognized by Turkey, all parcels and correspondence go through this country. Before the address in Northern Cyprus, you need to add: Turkey, via Mersin-10. For example, the full address should look like this: Turkey, via Mersin-10, 99300, KKTC, Girne, Ziya Rızkı Cd, 1.

In the Northern Cyprus Telegram forum, there is a section “Flying/looking for delivery”, if the parcel is not bulky, then perhaps you should consider this option.

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