Cyprus, Nicosia

Establishment of a local company and company registration

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Business in Northern Cyprus: Perfect Conditions for Start

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is a country with a dynamically developing economy and a favorable climate for doing business.

Why is it worth opening a business in Northern Cyprus?

  • Absence of bureaucracy and corruption.
  • The company registration procedure is simple and transparent.
  • Loyal taxation without double taxation. This makes the TRNC attractive to investors from all over the world.
  • The state policy is aimed at supporting entrepreneurs.

How to open a business in Northern Cyprus?

The process of opening a business for local and foreign citizens is almost the same. A company can be registered for a foreign citizen or a foreigner in partnership with a local representative. You can open a branch of a foreign company in Northern Cyprus, but real estate companies are registered exclusively by a Cypriot.

It is almost impossible to open a company on your own. You will need the help of a specialist who is thoroughly familiar with the legal norms of the TRNC.

We will help you open a business in Northern Cyprus!

Our company offers a full range of services for registration and business support in the TRNC:

  • Selection of the company type - it can be a local or free port. In the free port, you can register sanctioned businesses. But not all types of business are suitable for this or that category. We will help you разобраться в этом вопросе.
  • Submission of the name to the register. We always select several names so that you get 100% approval. And don't waste your time. It happens that a person turns to his lawyer for help and he registers one chosen name, which may not work. The registration process takes one month. And in case of refusal, the procedure for opening a business is delayed for an indefinite period, because everything starts from the beginning. We work for the result, therefore we do not have such incidents.
  • Consultation on the types of business that must be opened with a Cypriot. Sometimes it is necessary for a Cypriot to be the director of the company and to own 51% of the shares, and you - 49%. This can be someone you know. But we can also find a reliable person who will become your partner. If the company is 51% owned by a Cypriot, then the company can buy an unlimited amount of real estate.
  • Company activation - registration with the tax authorities, social insurance, and pension fund. This work is done by an accountant. If you contact our specialist, the activation will be free.
  • Registration of the company in a certain Association. You must be present in person, but if this is not possible, our accountant can do it for you.
  • Our specialist will offer you to think over the options for companies that you want to open in the future, to prescribe this in the charter. For example, if now you want to open a beauty salon, and in a couple of years - a restaurant, we will make sure that in the future you will not have red tape and you will not have to redo all the documents.

Why choose us?

  • Experienced specialists. We are thoroughly familiar with all the intricacies of registering and running a business in the TRNC.
  • Comprehensive approach. We offer a full range of services, which eliminates the need for you to independently solve various issues.
  • Individual approach. We will select the optimal solution for your business.
  • Affordable prices. We offer favorable terms of cooperation.

Do you want to open a business in Northern Cyprus?

Contact us today and we will help you make your business successful!

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