Cyprus, Nicosia

Where to Report Poor Road Conditions?

Updated: 1 month ago
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If you regularly detour around road irregularities on your route or have simply noticed an obvious issue with the pavement somewhere, there is an option to report it to the authorities in Cyprus.

ремонт дороги Кипр

Fix Cyprus App

To monitor problematic road sections, the authorities in Cyprus have developed the Fix Cyprus app, which has been successfully functioning for just over a year and, with the help of concerned citizens, helps identify unsatisfactory road conditions. The app is available for both Apple products and Android users.

How to Use

приложение Fix Cyprus

After installation, registration, and selecting a language (both Greek and English are available), you will see two options on the main screen: "History" and "New Request." To report a problem, choose a new request and agree to use the camera for photo documentation. After taking a picture of the unsatisfactory road section or roadside infrastructure in your view, the system will prompt you to select one of the categories:

  • breakdown;
  • obstacle;
  • vandalism acts;
  • vegetation/trees;
  • animal actions;
  • landslide;
  • blockage;
  • flooding;
  • other.

Next, you need to choose the type of infrastructure requiring repair: road;

  • sidewalk;
  • bike lane;
  • pedestrian crossing;
  • traffic light;
  • bridge;
  • other types.

After selecting the appropriate category, you will be redirected to the page to submit your complaint. Here, you need to confirm the location (meaning you must be near the problem area, as this is an instant submission application) and optionally provide additional details about the issue.
Then click the "Submit Request" button. You can track the status of your requests in the "History" section on the home screen.

приложение Fix Cyprus

Frequently Asked Questions about Road Repairs in Cyprus

How many requests have been submitted so far?

According to a representative of the Ministry of Transport, users have submitted 4742 complaints in the app's one year of operation, with infrastructure deficiencies being addressed based on 3760 complaints - 982 requests did not fall under the road service's competencies.

How much has been repaired using the application?

According to the Ministry of Transport, 30% of the complaints have already been resolved and repairs have been carried out, 68% of cases have repair works planned, and 2% are still under consideration.

Which requests are rejected?

They refuse to handle complaints that are not within the competence of road service workers. For example, these include issues of improper parking, which is handled by the police, and malfunctions on private territories.

What other useful services are available for drivers?

For drivers in Cyprus, there are several useful services that can help save time:

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