Cyprus, Nicosia

Enhanced Police Presence on Limassol's Popular Beach

11.06.2024 / 19:12

The Lady's Mile beach in Limassol, Cyprus, will see an increased police presence this summer, with an expected 20,000 visitors.

The Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) police have announced that the police presence will be bolstered until September. Officers will be stationed at the entrance to Lady's Mile every weekend and public holiday.

This measure aims to prevent incidents and crimes during the tourist season, particularly in light of last year's tragic jet ski accident that claimed the life of a young child.

SBA police superintendent Dinos Petrou assured that law enforcement efforts will be "fair and proportionate to the situation on the beach."

"We want everyone to enjoy their summer without fearing crimes and in the safest possible environment," he stated.

Read also: Limassol Beaches

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