Cyprus, Nicosia

Entry of Ukrainian citizens to Cyprus without a foreign passport

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Due to the military actions on the territory of Ukraine, the citizens of the country can enter Cyprus even without a foreign passport.

The entry, in this case, is carried out under the temporary protection program, we wrote about the program and its benefits here.

въезд граждан украины без паспорта кипр

What documents can be used to enter Cyprus for Ukrainian citizens?

  • Biometric or non-biometric passports even with an expired validity period.
  • Ukrainian ID card.
  • Internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
  • A temporary travel document issued by the government of Ukraine.

What documents can be used to enter Cyprus for children with Ukrainian citizenship?

  • Minor children traveling with their mother can be entered in her passport. In this case, the birth certificate must be certified by the diplomatic representation of Ukraine.
  • If the child is accompanied by only one parent, it is necessary to have the consent to leave from the second parent, translated into English or Greek.
  • If the child travels with third parties, the consent of both parents is required, also translated into English or Greek.

Frequently asked questions about Cyprus from Ukrainian citizens

How to get temporary protection?

To get temporary protection, you can register online at this address, and general questions about the program can be asked by phone +357 22 285 777, if you are outside Cyprus, and by short number 1477 for Cypriot numbers. Read more about temporary protection here.

What specialties are in demand in Cyprus?

Temporary protection allows you to engage in labor activity, so you can find yourself some source of income. We talked about the demanded specialties in this article.

What is the income tax in Cyprus?

Cyprus applies a progressive tax rate: the higher the income - the higher the tax. About the scale and how to calculate the numbers, read the material "Income tax in Cyprus".

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