Cyprus, Nicosia

The most important phone numbers and addresses in Cyprus

Updated: 1 month ago
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The most important phone numbers and addresses in Cyprus

Add this page to your browser's bookmarks - here we have collected the most demanded information about life in Cyprus.

Emergency phones

  • 112 - ambulance
  • 199 - general emergency phone


Round-the-clock phones of state hospitals

  • Nicosia:+35722603000
  • Limassol:+35725801100
  • Larnaca:+35724800500
  • Famagusta area:+35723200000
  • Paphos:+35726803100
  • Troodos Mountains:+35725806700
  • Polis:+35726821800

Operating tourist insurance in Cyprus

Russian Consulate in Cyprus

The consulate operates at the Embassy of Cyprus and receives citizens in Nicosia from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00, but only by prior appointment.

Household issues

Schedule of institutions

Public services throughout the year shift the opening and closing time, but this always happens in the interval from 7:30 - 8:30 in the morning until 15:00 - 16:00 in the evening. Read about the work of private companies and stores in this article.

Mobile communication in Cyprus

In the Republic of Cyprus, there are four main cellular operators - these are Cyta, Epic, PrimeTel and Cablenet. More about how they differ.

Online bill payment

Many payments in Cyprus can be made online on a special website We talked about it here.


How to get to Cyprus

Under the conditions of sanctions and the absence of direct flights, it has become a little more difficult to get to Cyprus, but with a transfer it is quite possible to do it. The most budgetary option is obtained when flying through Yerevan.

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